Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills

I must confess, that being unable to travel during this pandemic has caused low levels of motivation and creativity within me. I consider myself to be a person that can’t stay in the same place for too long or feelings like these will present themselves. I've been working on it recently but it’s still a work in progress… 

As soon as I was able to, I decided to embark on a highly expected little getaway that my mental health and I couldn’t be more grateful to experience. 

Could I have chosen a more beautiful city than Los Angeles? I wouldn’t dare to say so. For a few days, I immersed myself in ​​Beverly Hills, if you haven’t been there yet, I can describe it for you in just three words… The ultimate dream.

I was greeted with a warm atmosphere at the lobby of the Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills Hotel, where formality and style shone at their best.

My room featured a panoramic view of the streets filled with palms, luxury, and vibrantness that perfectly represent Beverly Hills, I could also admire the beautiful buildings of Downtown LA that stood tall and proud in the distance. At that reflective moment, while gazing at the window, I realized this is one of the many reasons why many have decided to adopt this place and call it home. 

My flight was short, going from Cabo to LA only takes a few hours, but I still felt the need to take the time to relax and admire my surroundings, I believe in the fact of enjoying the present moments and that one was not the exception to the rule, especially while being in a room with beautiful amenities and peaceful environment. 

While I took the time to learn all about my itinerary for the next few days I kept getting distracted by the exceptional interior design of my room, the combination of classic and modern styles has always been my personal favorite. 

I kept enjoying a tranquil day until the night arrived, and what better way to enjoy my evening than to have an unforgettable dinner at “Jean-Georges” which specializes in creating mouthwatering dishes inspired by French-American cuisine.

After a glass of wine and a good book, I felt ready to regain energy for my next few days. And let me tell you, they were all equally splendid. 

I always love to broadcast my experiences in real-time (Instagram), so as I shared my stay at Waldorf Astoria, I began to receive many kind recommendations for places to visit and explore, if you were one of them, I just want to sincerely thank you, you helped me encounter an even better experience than I expected. 

“Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills: 

Elegant, modern, and glamorous.” 

-Carlos Zatch

Thank you for reading!

Essential information

Website: https://www.waldorfastoriabeverlyhills.com/

Instagram: @waldorfbevhills

My socials

Instagram @carloszatch

Website www.carloszatch.com

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

-Lao Tzu


Costa Rica


Arbol at Las Ventanas al Paraiso: Los Cabos Restaraunt